
Friday 11 June 2021


 Yesterday Afternoon/Night Pt England Primary Had Fiafia. I was in the BollyWood Group. The Bollywood group represents the Indian Community. We all watched the fia fia under this big shelter that was called Te Kapua, Te Kapua (Cloud) Helped us by letting the rain land on it and not land on us. When I arrived at school I went to the courts to see if anyone was there and there were people that were there but I never knew who they were so I just went to room 5 with my brother because that was bollywood’s room. 

My favourite group that performed was the Cookisland because I really loved the dance and when Najari TeeJay Rairi did the solo and also the other people that did it. Everybody that was performing had to go and sit down in their spots at 5:30 to sit down and wait until it's their turn to perform.